Welcome to Vic's Window Cleaning

Vic's Window Cleaning is dedicated in providing high-quality, professional services at the best rates. We strive in generating distinctive and pristine windows in Amarillo, Canyon and their surrounding areas.

Inspired in producing a symphony  of cleanliness

We utilize high-quality tools in everything we clean to preserve quality and to ensure your satisfaction. We specialize in scouring challenging and hazardous windows so you don't have to; thus creating a tranquil and cleansed environmnet. We implement formidable aptitude into every pane, coordinating the project into a final compelling and harmonious sight.


Inspiration was set into motion after undergoing over 57 hours of brain, neck, facial and heart surgeries that came from Crouzon Syndrome and Chiari Malformation among other medical procedures. When all senses are put on hold and all human processes are forgotten, it is there where it is learned that invaluable moments manifest the value of existence. Life is an exquisite adventure that is best enjoyed with serenity during the storm and with a sight fixed on the sunshine. Two of the most esteemed and significant verses in the bible are, "The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."(Deuteronomy 31:8) and "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."(Philippians 4:13). To have been bestowed this life has been the greatest blessing. 


- Victor Aldaco

Our Services

Our field of expertise